FaithFamilyThe Emily Hibard Show (Podcast)

S2. E4. TJ Greaney

TJ Greaney is a Texan who started Kids Outdoor Zone (KOZ). KOZ provides men in churches with training and curriculum to mentor boys using outdoor adventure. The training is done by streaming video at the host church.

The training includes a one-and-a-half hour section with the leaders and their wives. The second is a 5-hour section with a workbook for the men. Once trained, the men are certified as KOZ Outdoor Mentors.After training, the men plan their monthly meetings/adventures with the boys based on the monthly curriculum provided.

Today, over 40% of the boys in our nation do not have a dad living at home.

The lack of this male role model has created a dramatic increase in drug use, school drop-out, pregnancy, and more. The average kid also spends 40 minutes a week outside, but 70 hours in front of a screen.

This trend is creating an unhealthy mental, physical, and spiritual population among our boys today. It is at catastrophic levels. However, every socioeconomic, health, and mental statistic improves substantially when a boy receives a mentor.

Boys are drawn in by the outdoor adventure and training by an adult man. Every boy truly is “Wild at Heart.” This internal longing fits perfectly with the KOZ program.

Official KOZ Website

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